Energy, resources and decarbonisation.
HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline - the UK’s first 100 per cent hydrogen pipeline network.
Camargue is working with Cadent to deliver the 120-kilometre HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline – the UK’s first 100 per cent low carbon hydrogen pipeline at scale.
The HyNet North West low carbon cluster will unlock an energy revolution that will decarbonise the north west and Cadent’s HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline has a vital role to play by delivering low carbon hydrogen to industrial customers across the region.

We’ve supported the project from its outset, helping to craft a brand and narrative informed by the project’s national strategic context and the vital regional benefits it will bring. This started with a project soft launch and carried through to the successful delivery of non-statutory and statutory stages of consultation.

This comprised a full programme of stakeholder engagement and communications activities, including a range of digital and print materials, contact with over 20,000 local residents, technical and political stakeholders, and the delivery of in-person and online events.

A ‘digital first’ approach was taken, with Camargue’s innovative Consultonline interactive feedback map functionality used to show the pipelines route, above ground infrastructure and construction routes in detail.

Rebecca Evans MRTPI
Consents Manager
HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline
Camargue are an invaluable member of the project team and have enthusiastically supported project communications with the public and wider stakeholders since the project’s launch.
“We were required to pull and reorganise statutory consultation at the eleventh hour due to the passing of the Queen. Camargue’s response was exemplary with documents and events quickly redrafted and reorganised keeping the project on track.”
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