
Preferred Homes Limited.

Building profile for a social impact business

Preferred Homes Limited is making a significant investment in our country’s Extra Care Housing sector.  With the number of over 65s forecast to grow by six million by 2040, the startup business is meeting a critical need for affordable later living housing.

Its 100 per cent affordable developments for rent are built to a high specification and the for-profit registered provider is aiming to scale up to 50 schemes over the coming years through significant private financial backing from Nuveen as well as the support of Homes England.

Camargue web case study master PHL3
Camargue web case study master PHL15

The Camargue team has helped launch the business to the market through an impactful media and social media campaign, and engagement with senior policymakers and industry influencers.  We’re helping Preferred Homes shape its corporate message, tell its story, and make the case for the role of institutional funding as a way of tackling the housing and care crises.

We’re also highlighting the link between housing undersupply and unaffordability with problems across the NHS and local authority finances. This has included thoughtful long-form contributions to leading titles such as Inside Housing and The Big Issue, and profiling the positive impact that Preferred Homes’ first development in Leeds is having on residents and the local community.

Camargue web case study master PHL9
Camargue web case study master PHL10

Acting as an extension to the Preferred Homes team, we work closely with its board to enhance the business’ reputation including coordinating and overseeing communications from its various partner organisations.

Findlay MacAlpine

Chief Executive

Preferred Homes Limited

The Camargue team got out of the starting blocks quickly and made an impact from day one, putting their network of media connections and political instinct to good use.

"They’ve supported us through a critical period as we moved from concept to delivery – making sure the sector is taking notice of what we’re doing and the significant financial backing that we have. We’re optimistic about our growth over the coming years and the chance to make an impact for communities across England. I am confident that Camargue will support us along this journey and help us go from strength to strength."

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