Tuesday May 28 2024.

2 minute read

UKREiiF 2024: a dress rehearsal for change?

Collaboration is an overused word, but it was given some tangible meaning last week as the real estate and infrastructure industry descended on Leeds for UKREiiF 2024.

In the biggest event yet, thousands from across the worlds of property, design and construction came together to debate shared challenges, from decarbonisation, to delivering social impact in a meaningful way, to how we can inject new energy and investment into our towns and cities.

There was a lot to like. Attendees were clearly in an engaged and welcoming mood, open to learning new things and making new contacts (even despite the day two downpour putting a literal dampener on proceedings).

Amid the positivity, there was recognition of the challenges too. Many of the discussions I joined highlighted obstacles around national and local planning policy, a lack of clarity and direction on industrial strategy for the UK, and the impact of long-term underinvestment in public services. There were vocal calls for change.

The announcement of a General Election on 4 July in the middle of the event therefore seemed particularly well-timed.

Whatever the colour of the administration formed, the industry clearly has plenty it wants to say to the new government.

There will be many competing interests vying for space in ministers’ in-trays so focusing the real estate and infrastructure message will be vital to getting results. The industry will need to speak with one voice. Will the experience in Leeds help it to come together to write the script?

Sep 03, 2024

5 minute read

Have we hit ‘peak logistics’?

It’s not every day that The Times gives a full page to talking about warehouses. Nor is it every day that ‘shed’ stocks on the FTSE (Segro, LondonMetric and Tritax) are flying higher than the familiar big businesses and brands.

Written by

Ben Copithorne

Managing Director

Read more about Have we hit ‘peak logistics’?

Jul 30, 2024

4 minute read

Keeping it Cymru

Wales recently marked 25 years of devolution, celebrating the distinct characteristics that make the nation a complex, but fascinating place to live and work. In that time businesses working in Wales have gained a profound understanding of the country’s unique opportunities and challenges as the nation forges it’s own path.

Written by

Rhun Dafydd

Account Manager

Read more about Keeping it Cymru

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